One service at 830Am - new format
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One service at 830Am - new format
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Our Communications Committee's mission is to help communicate the mission and activities of Swamp Lutheran Church to everyone.
Our Constitution Committee fully understands, maintains, make recommendations & safely stores the Constitution, By-Laws & Continuing Resolutions of the Church.
Our Disaster Response Committee enables individuals, families and congregations impacted by disaster with their rescue, relief and recovery needs.
Our Finance Committee's primary responsibility is to take care of the assets entrusted to us by the congregation through good stewardship.
Our Generosity Committee promotes the expression of Christian faith in living, teaches a mindset of abundance and the Christian use of money, to spread knowledge of the congregation’s ministries & to lead all its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord’s work.
Our Helping Hands Committee is primarily responsible for planning, preparing and serving foods, as needed, for a variety of church sponsored events and for maintaining the kitchen facilities.
Our Learning Committee's mission is to assist each child of God in strengthening their faith and understanding of God’s word so they can spread the Gospel.
Our Love Inc. Committee supports the ongoing mission of Love Inc and Home of Hope, helping people by providing temporary / transitional housing, financial counseling and personal and spiritual mentoring.
Our Personnel Committee's mission is to oversee employee-related matters
Our Property Committee maintains, repairs and preserves the buildings and property owned by the Church, its contents and grounds.
Our Boy & Cub Scout Committee is a liaison between our Church and the Troop Leaders. They assist these groups in a supportive manner so they can achieve their goal of teaching and preparing young boys and girls for their futures.
Our Safety and Security Committee's mission is to establish a safe and secure environment for those who worship or take part in activities on the premises of
Swamp Lutheran Church.
Our Service Committee's mission is to extend Christian compassion and aid outside our congregation, to community members and organizations locally and abroad and our fellow congregation members.
Our Welcome Committee's mission is to assure that worship is a unifying event in the life of the congregation. To worship and thank God for God’s grace given to all in Word and Sacrament.
Our Welcome Committee's mission is to share God’s love, care, support and hope through various activities strengthening our special family relationships as children of God and followers of Christ Jesus.
Swamp Lutheran Church now offers one in-person worship service with a new format .
Service Time:
8:30AM Service
No Sunday School until 9/22
We also offer live streaming.